Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eternal existence of ethereal substances

Eternal existence of
ethereal substances,
maketh the world,
maketh the universe,
maketh the endless time,

Loud are the cries
and its endless with
flesh and blood
strewn all around,
with perspectives of men
narrowed down by creed
to be mean,

loud are the cries
and its endless with
bearded men in turbans
and with guns,
with goggled men in boots
and with tanks,

Loud are the cries
and its endless
with homeless hungry men
wasted enough to sleep
to die,
with immaculate men
in suits spoiled enough
to waste things
to live,

loud are the cries
and its endless with
men who gun
the pigeons to
win the war
and lose their souls,


loud are the cries
and its endless
for men who had
their souls intact
in harmony with peace
for us to see
and for the future
to perceive,

Loud are the cries
and its endless
for men who continue
to live in the hearts of
the people, even
in the deceased
as peace.

Eternal existence of
ethereal substances,
maketh the world,
maketh the universe,
maketh the endless time